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Tagged with 'Team INFINIT'

From the Ground Up Project

Two riders riding on a clear day, text "From the Ground Up Project"

While 2020 brought about a pause on the races and events, INFINIT Pros Ryan Petry and Alexey Vermeulen also witnessed the pandemic-driven uptick in people starting to ride. Being lifelong lovers of cycling, they sought out a way to help really immerse these new riders into the sport. This is where the From the Ground Up Project was born. Out of thousands of submissions that came in from across the country, Ryan & Alexey had the difficult task of narrowing it down to just 3 riders to take under their wing and equip with everything needed to start training. 

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Important Notice To All Our Clients Regarding COVID-19

Red Cross on left with white background, text offset to the right "Important Notice: COVID-19"

For almost 16 years, INFINIT Nutrition has been focused on the health and well-being of our customers. We have always taken pride in prioritizing the nutritional wellness and safety of every single person who has chosen us to be their nutrition supplement provider, as we truly hope that we can help improve their quality of life. We are eternally grateful for all of you and wanted to reach out during these uncertain times to fill you in on what we are doing to navigate the COVID-19 outbreak.

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Who is AJ Baucco

AJ Baucco riding bike on road, text "Who the F#*% is AJ Baucco?"

As a former punk rock drummer, AJ’s background is very unique in the sport of triathlon. He spent much of his teenage years touring the US with his band, while living out of a van. When he was in his early 20s, a friend introduced him to the sport of triathlon. Triathlon gave AJ direction in his hectic life and it soon began to consume his life all together.

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Moms in Training

Woman pushing a running stroller, text "Moms in Training, An Homage to the moms of Team INFINIT"

They juggle the demands of taking care of a family, building a career, and essentially organizing the chaos of everyday life, and that’s just before noon. Yet somehow make it all look so easy. We honor the multitasking moms of Team INFINIT. We probably all have memories of our moms helping us learn how to ride a two-wheeler, getting up early to shuttle us to swim practice, and sitting through all-day meets and competitions.

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Steelhead 70.3

Colin Riley running down hill, text "Steelhead 70.3 Race Report by Colin Riley, MS, RDN, LD"

A couple weekends ago I raced in the Steelhead 70.3 (Half Ironman) in Benton Harbor, Michigan. This was my 2nd time racing at Steelhead but the last time I raced here was back in 2010 where I set my 70.3 PR with a time of 4:16:06. This is my 3rd year racing a professional triathlete and I have dabbled in a few 70.3's over the last couple of years including Chattanooga (2016 and 2018) and Austin (2016 - canceled swim) and just hadn't put together a good half Ironman race in a long time.

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MTB and AP

Maddy Frank on mountain Bike, text "MTB and AP"

We asked Team INFINIT Athlete Maddy Frank to take us through a day in the life of a high school senior who also balances life as a Cat 1 mountain biker and competitive cyclist — From training to homework to shopping for waterproof (and more importantly sweatproof) mascara!

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Meet Team INFINIT: Jen Lee

Jenn Lee in a row boat, text "Jenn J Lee, Professional Paddle Athlete"

Paddle sports have really risen in popularity over recent years as serious solo sports, as well as a fun way to crosstrain and gain endurance in the hot summer months. As more and more athletes hit the water, paddle sports competitions have reached new heights in interest and participation. With this area of endurance sports in an upward trajectory, we wanted to talk to one of the hardest working athletes competing in the sport today — INFINIT Pro Jenn J Lee.

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