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Protein-packed Mocha Chia Pudding Dirt Cup Recipe

Javi Chia Pudding with gummy worms

How can you make Javi any better? We found a scary good way...

With Halloween just around the corner, the scent of fallen leaves, and the chill in the air, you may find yourself craving a special sweet treat. For us, this time of the year brings back memories of obsessing over this year's costume, bobbing for apples, and sweet treats like dirt pudding cups!


So we put a new spin on this old favorite, using our original Double Mocha Javi to create Double Mocha Javi Chia Pudding. 

This Double Mocha Javi Chia Pudding recipe will satisfy any sweet tooth while giving you an extra fiber boost and a healthy dose of omega-3s and monounsaturated fats.

We promise, that after a bite of this yummy treat, you won't need (or want) to sneak into the trick-or-treat candy.


Protein-Packed Chia Pudding Dirt Cups


  • 1 Scoop INFINIT Double Mocha Javi Instant Protein Latte
  • 1 Cup dark chocolate almond milk
  • 3 Tbsp chia seeds

Optional garnish:

  • Dark chocolate shavings or cacao nibs
  • Oreo cookie crumbles
  • Gummy worms
person relaxing on deck with pudding


  1. Mix 1 scoop Double Mocha Javi Instant Protein Latte with dark chocolate almond milk in mason jar.
  2. Combine Javi and milk mixture with chia seeds (can use a bowl or simply add chia seeds into the mason jar)
  3. Mix well, and chill in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours or overnight. If possible, stir up the mixture every couple hours.
  4. Whip with a spoon or fork and scoop into a serving dish.
  5. Serve garnished with chopped nuts, dark chocolate shavings, cookie crumbles, and a couple of gummy worms.
  6. Enjoy! 

Recipe created by Laura Hering, RDN

Original Post Date: October 23rd, 2015
