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Sparkling Patriotic Berry Blast

Stawberrys, blueberries on a cutting board within glass jars next to an INFINIT custom bag, text "Recipe Sparking Berry Blast"

Red, white, and blue — The official colors of summertime. This wonderful season, that most of us look forward to all year, is marked by our most patriotic national holidays. We kick off the season by remembering all those who served and gave the ultimate sacrifice on Memorial day. We mark the midpoint when we celebrate Independence Day on July 4th, and Summer winds down to fall when Labor Day comes around.

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Pregnancy: The Ride of a Lifetime

Woman holding her belly, text "True Life: I'm a Pregnant Athlete"

The role of women in today’s society has certainly evolved over the last 100 years. There are more female CEOs than ever; more women are choosing careers in business, science and law. There has also been a notable rise in women in sportsIn 1972, Title IX was signed to provide everyone equal access to programs and activities (i.e. sports), that receives federal financial assistance. Since then there has been a 545% increase in the percentage of women playing college sports and a 990% increase in the percentage of women playing high school sports. Being a woman, and athlete myself, it’s amazing to see the progression over time and how far we’ve come.

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Who is AJ Baucco

AJ Baucco riding bike on road, text "Who the F#*% is AJ Baucco?"

As a former punk rock drummer, AJ’s background is very unique in the sport of triathlon. He spent much of his teenage years touring the US with his band, while living out of a van. When he was in his early 20s, a friend introduced him to the sport of triathlon. Triathlon gave AJ direction in his hectic life and it soon began to consume his life all together.

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HYDRATE Freezer Popz

INFINIT Freezer pops surrounded by strawberrys and lemon slices, text "Hydrate popz"

It’s that time of year. When outdoor training and activities ramp up, and so do the temperatures. If you’re like me, this time of year you also find yourself craving slushies, popsicles, and just about anything frozen. But did you know there’s actually a biological reason your body craves these frozen treats? Ice, icy liquids and slurries can be awesome tools to helping your body regulate temperature. Frozen and icy liquids can help with body temperature regulation in a couple ways.

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Calculating Your Sweat Rate

Woman drinking water, text "How to Calculate your Sweat Rate"

Sweat rate is a critical piece of information for athletes, and it is actually fairly easy to figure out. But this relatively simple data point can have a major impact on your performance. Studies have shown as little as a 0.5% loss of body water can cause increased strain on the heart, and as little as 2-3% of total body weight can cause declines in performance.

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Calculating Calorie Needs

Woman running near a cliffside, text "How to Calculate Calories"

Every athlete and body is unique, so this isn’t going to be a clear cut answer. Every athlete has their own individual needs based on training type and duration, as well as body size and composition. We break down a step-by-step guide to help calculate the number of calories we generally recommend most athletes target each hour of activity.

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Moms in Training

Woman pushing a running stroller, text "Moms in Training, An Homage to the moms of Team INFINIT"

They juggle the demands of taking care of a family, building a career, and essentially organizing the chaos of everyday life, and that’s just before noon. Yet somehow make it all look so easy. We honor the multitasking moms of Team INFINIT. We probably all have memories of our moms helping us learn how to ride a two-wheeler, getting up early to shuttle us to swim practice, and sitting through all-day meets and competitions.

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COLD ϟ BREW Performance Coffee

INFINIT Cold Brew in its bag, in a mug with ice, all on a table with coffee beans spread across

This isn’t your regular iced coffee. Our brand new COLD BREW Performance Coffee is brewed low and slow, lightly sweetened and, blended with a hint of real cream, plus packed with 20 grams of premium grass-fed whey protein. In recent years cold brewed coffee has steadily been growing in popularity. Starting as a fad drink, to now being a staple in every coffee shop around.

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