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What Is Creatine? | Creatine Supplementation

Woman running in stadium, text "Creatine"
INFINIT offers 400mg non-GMO, vegan friendly Creatine Monohydrate per serving as an optional “Extra” for Custom Formulas. Creatine (Cr) is a commonly used athletic supplement that can enhance performance. Creatine supplementation specifically produces significant benefits in performance during short-duration, high-intensity exercise.

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What is Beta Alanine

Lower body of a group of runners running on a paved path through graph

Beta-alanine is a hot topic in nutrition for exercise performance. Beta-alanine acts as a “muscle buffering agent” within the cells of muscle tissue. It is a naturally occurring amino acid that many athletes take in order to increase their muscles ability to delay fatigue and recover quicker from exercise. But how does it work?

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Fueling is the Fast Track to Success

INFINIT product line up, text "Fueling the Fast Track to Success"

Food IS fuel. Without significant amounts of carbohydrates, fats, and protein energy can not be stored, broken down, and used to power our bodies for training. Optimal physiological responses can not occur without adequate substrates that come directly from carbohydrates. Our main energy system that is important for events lasting longer than 2 minutes is the Aerobic System. The human body absolutely needs carbohydrates and fats in order to adapt and improve Aerobic Foundation (AF) processing rates, Prolonged Aerobic Capacity (PAC), and Aerobic Rate Capacity (ARC).

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What is CoQ10?

Foam Heart on a table, text "What is CoQ10"

What is CoQ10? Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, is naturally made by our bodies and found within every cell of the human body. It is a substance similar to that of a vitamin and our cells use it to produce the energy needed for cell maintenance and production. As it functions as an antioxidant, CoQ10 can protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules.  Additionally, CoQ10 can boost energy and speed up the recovery time from intense endurance efforts.

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INFINIT for Multisport Nutrition

Man running at dusk, text "INFINIT for Multisport Nutrition"

As an INFINIT Formulation Specialist, I hear a handful of common questions everyday. One of the biggest sources of confusion for athletes is how to set up their nutrition strategy for a multisport event like triathlon. Many people assume that a single formula should cover them throughout the entire event. But as I’m about to explain, this simply isn’t the case. The best bike nutrition is NOT the best nutrition for your run, and trying to use the same nutrition for both could potentially create issues for you come race day.

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Hydration 101: The Basics

Athlete extending waterbottle out, text "Hydration 101: The Basics"
What is the single biggest issue I see with the age groupers I work with? Let me tell you about an e-mail we received. We received a “complaint” from a customer who said he got dehydrated using his custom INFINIT formulation. First, we very rarely get complaints about the product (if ever). It just does not happen that often and it gets our attention fast. Normally it is from the customer doing too much, we see that over and over. They are drinking their product and happily munching on gels and blocks and wonder why they feel like they ate a bag of nails after 5 hours. 

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