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MUD has a New Name


Introducing “Javi” — Same great formula with a fresh new look!

MUD is one of the first INFINIT formulas ever. When our product line consisted of just a handful of electrolyte and fuel formulas, we had MUD — Our protein-packed energizing double mocha goodness in a glass.

But as long as there's been MUD, there’s always been some skepticism about the name.

We can’t even tell you how many stink faces we’ve gotten at expos (no, it's not "made with real mud")⁠, only to quickly turn to faces of delight after taking a sip.


So this year, after much discussion and debate, the decision was made to glow-up MUD with a fresh re-brand. But how in the world could we decide on a new name for one of our most loved and distinctive formulas? The magnitude of the responsibility drove our marketing team to "the old drawing board.”

Fists were shaken. Tears were shed. We thought about giving up altogether and pursuing the jazz flute. And then one day, there it was... Javi.⁠

Part coffeehouse latte. Part protein powder. 100% nutritious and satisfying beverage mix.

MUD vs. Javi — What’s the difference?

Formula and Nutrition

Not a darn thing. We know better than to mess with perfection.

We made the very conscious decision to not touch the recipe, so Javi will boast the same nutritional breakdown and benefits you’ve come to expect from MUD over the years.

Name and Description

“Instant Protein Latte.” Because the old description was a little wordy and exclusionary.

Just like the old name, the old description was confusing. “All Natural Meal Supplement and Recovery for Athletes” was the catchall that we’d been using for years — But it still didn’t really convey what this delicious mix truly is.

It wasn’t until we launched Cold Brew, our instant protein coffee blend, that it became clear. We’re pretty darn good at creating nutritious coffee blends that even the pickiest coffee drinkers love. And while Cold Brew mixes up into a bold iced coffee, MUD, mixes up more like a decadent latte — Creamy and frothy, a tad sweeter, and a little lower in caffeine. 

Design and Look

Just call it “glow-up.”

Keeping in line with the rugged and natural look that has always graced our original MUD packaging. This fresh new packaging design draws inspiration from our roots of working with amazing adventuring athletes, while also signifying the clean natural ingredients that we’re known for.