Reviews for Custom Fuel & Hydration Creator
Custom Hydration Formula
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Everyday go-to fuel & hydration
Apr 18, 2023
I started using Infinit mixes in my bottles a couple of years ago and now use almost nothing else. It works great for my fuel and hydration, and tastes good while it's at it! I use my custom endurance and speed blends on pretty much every ride.
Really great product and would recommend it to athletes
Apr 13, 2023
So far really great...I was able to reduce the sugar, increase the sodium, and adjust the taste...I have a few ideas for my next order!
Apr 12, 2023
I love my Custom Blend. Fuels me to the finish line every time
Apr 10, 2023
Great product, the high calorie content in Gofar works great for me. I need little else to keep me going, if I consume one bottle per hour I don't need to fear bonking even on an six hour plus race.
Custom Formulas Rock!!
Apr 4, 2023
Custom Formulas Rock!! Awesome ability to pick the correct formula for my needs. And the custom flavors are great! Strawberry Lemonade!
Mar 30, 2023
Love the product I get from Infinit. Since starting to use it several years ago I have not had one time that I've had cramps or any type of bonking while riding and I had these occur before starting to use it. Thanks for the great product!
I'll definitely be ordering this again!
Mar 14, 2023
This product has been great! Exactly what I needed and what I was missing. Thank you for you help creating this blend and your customer service was great!
Mar 13, 2023
I like the formula in long training sessions I don't feel hungry and I end up in excellent condition.
Great product.
Mar 11, 2023
I am a 62 yr old racer, I just started using my custom blend and I will have to say I am impressed. Just recently participated in a couple of races in Florida. IN both events I placed in the top 5 amongst some really tough competition. I only used my custom blend during each with great results. Both races covered over 60 miles, one was MTB the other was gravel. I have used a ton of other products in my 30 yrs of racing and nothing compares to the nutritional value I received from my Infinite blend. I am hoping this will continue, I have many other major races coming up this year.
Mar 4, 2023
The best way to race!!!