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What is the Best "Diet" for Athletes?

Woman measuring her waistline, text "Diets and Fueling the Active Individual"

The word “diet,” by its definition, describes any food that a person consumes. A diet of Cheetos and soda is still, by definition, a “diet.” But over the years this word has come to represent the idea of losing weight, and often using some sort of restrictive eating plan. We dive into the ins and outs of these popular diets, and what might be the best for your individual needs.

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Cold Weather Hydration

A picture containing text that says "How Does Cold Weather Impact Your Performance", image of mans shoes feet running through snow

While you may not be sweating as intensely when the cold weather rolls in, remaining hydrated is just as important. Drinking an adequate amount of fluid before, during and after a workout is crucial to achieving optimal performance.

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Goal Setting

Andy Potts celebrating after a 70.3 race, text "Goal Setting: How to set attainable goals"

The key to keeping yourself accountable is knowing what you’re trying to achieve and setting goals to help you get there.

Goal setting has long been known to be an important part of achieving success or accomplishing your goal. When you “wing-it”, more often than not, you will lose focus at some point along the journey and fall short of achieving whatever it is that you set out to accomplish. By creating specific goals, you can revisit your goal(s) when the going gets tough or you fall off track to help you refocus and get back on track. 

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Peppermint Mocha Muffins

Peppermint Mocha Muffins Recipe

So, it is officially the holiday season! And what would the season truly be without holiday treats? There’s candies, there’s gummies, there’s pies...but what about a treat that can also serve as a pre- or post-workout snack?! The answer to that question would be: muffins. And not just any muffins...Peppermint Mocha MUD muffins. 

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Professional Cyclist Shifting the Narrative about Differently Abled Athletes

Clara brown riding on a bike, text "Clara Brown, Shifting the Narrative on Para-Athletes"

Growing up in Falmouth, Maine, Clara Brown was an avid athlete enjoying everything from gymnastics to running and skiing. One of four siblings, her parents were keen on keeping the family active and involved in a variety of activities and sports. At the age of 12, Clara’s life changed forever when she sustained a serious injury at gymnastics practice, leaving her with a broken neck and a damaged spinal cord.

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From the Ground Up Project

Two riders riding on a clear day, text "From the Ground Up Project"

While 2020 brought about a pause on the races and events, INFINIT Pros Ryan Petry and Alexey Vermeulen also witnessed the pandemic-driven uptick in people starting to ride. Being lifelong lovers of cycling, they sought out a way to help really immerse these new riders into the sport. This is where the From the Ground Up Project was born. Out of thousands of submissions that came in from across the country, Ryan & Alexey had the difficult task of narrowing it down to just 3 riders to take under their wing and equip with everything needed to start training. 

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Coffee Facts for Athletes

Two cups of coffee on a table, text "Coffee: Facts for Athletes"

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world and athletes have long been linked with consuming copious amounts of coffee. Before we talk about how coffee can benefit performance AND your overall health, let’s take a look at a few fun facts about coffee.

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Go Nuts for (Protein) Doughnuts

Protein Donuts stacked on a plate, Text "Protein Donuts Recipe"

No matter how you like them, it’s no secret that donuts aren’t exactly considered a “health food.” These yummy pastries are typically packed with simple carbs and saturated fat, so for the average person, they’re probably best enjoyed as an occasional treat. But we’re turning that notion on its head by taking everyone’s favorite morning treat, and reworking the recipe to create a protein-packed option that can actually be used as a light breakfast or post-workout fuel. These delicious cinnamon-sugar coated donuts don’t just have to be a treat. By incorporating protein into the mix, you can actually create a guilt free (or less) option for everyone!

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