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Tagged with 'nutrition'

10 Things to Include in an Emergency Home-Care Kit

Checklist with important items, text offset to the left "10 things to include emergency kit"

Let’s be honest, we don’t know what life can throw at us. Unexpected illnesses, wildfires, natural disasters, and more can happen anywhere and can hit without warning. A lot of us have the same question — How can we be prepared to take care of ourselves and our loved ones in case of an emergency? To help you navigate this complicated and somewhat stress-inducing question, we did some research and created a list of 10 things recommended you keep on hand in order to be prepared for an emergency.

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How to Keep the Immune System Strong

Woman standing in street, text "Time to Help Keep the Immune system strong"

Over the past months COVID-19 has drastically changed our lives. With schools closing and people working from home, it has seemed like a different world. Even with following all precautions and practicing social distancing, there’s still a threat that one could come into contact with the virus. So you may be wondering what you could be doing to keep your immune system strong.

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Important Notice To All Our Clients Regarding COVID-19

Red Cross on left with white background, text offset to the right "Important Notice: COVID-19"

For almost 16 years, INFINIT Nutrition has been focused on the health and well-being of our customers. We have always taken pride in prioritizing the nutritional wellness and safety of every single person who has chosen us to be their nutrition supplement provider, as we truly hope that we can help improve their quality of life. We are eternally grateful for all of you and wanted to reach out during these uncertain times to fill you in on what we are doing to navigate the COVID-19 outbreak.

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6 Benefits of Strength Training

Woman in a weightlifting class doing deadlifts, text "6 Benefits of Stregth Training"

Strength training is not just for building strength and bulky muscles. More and more studies are coming out showing that there are a wide range of benefits associated with resistance and weight bearing exercise, beyond just athletic performance. While strength and weight training has traditionally had a reputation for being a male-centric type of exercise reserved for those trying to bulk up and gain mass, it is now transitioning to a popular activity and tool used for weight loss, cross training, and overall general fitness.

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Rudy von Berg: On a Mission

Rudy von Berg running near red rocks

Rudy von Berg had a breakout year in 2018 with a 10th place finish at the 70.3 World Championships, 1st place at the Wildflower Triathlon, and several 70.3 wins including the European Championships and South American Championships. He also took the tape at last year’s 70.3 Nice, which is the site of this year’s IRONMAN 70.3 World Championships coming up on September 8th.

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The REAL Cost of a 5 Hour Workout

Andy Potts on bike, text "The real cost of a 5 hour ride"

Here at INFINIT Headquarters, our team of formulation specialists talk to a LOT of people throughout the year. One of the biggest “complaints” we hear is that INFINIT (particularly a custom blend) is kind of expensive. When, in reality, when you compare it to a fueling strategy that uses gels, chews, salt pills, a bar or two, and a commercially available sports drink, INFINIT is not any more expensive—and in a lot of cases, actually LESS than—the combination of all that other stuff.

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Calculating Your Sweat Rate

Woman drinking water, text "How to Calculate your Sweat Rate"

Sweat rate is a critical piece of information for athletes, and it is actually fairly easy to figure out. But this relatively simple data point can have a major impact on your performance. Studies have shown as little as a 0.5% loss of body water can cause increased strain on the heart, and as little as 2-3% of total body weight can cause declines in performance.

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COLD ϟ BREW Performance Coffee

INFINIT Cold Brew in its bag, in a mug with ice, all on a table with coffee beans spread across

This isn’t your regular iced coffee. Our brand new COLD BREW Performance Coffee is brewed low and slow, lightly sweetened and, blended with a hint of real cream, plus packed with 20 grams of premium grass-fed whey protein. In recent years cold brewed coffee has steadily been growing in popularity. Starting as a fad drink, to now being a staple in every coffee shop around.

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