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Tagged with 'Recovery'

8 Signs You Need More Protein

Female athlete near dumbbells, text overlaid "8 Signs you may need more protein in your diet"

Athletes and active people have higher protein needs but often fall short of these targets which can lead to performance declines and can even impact your overall health. We break down 8 telltale signs that you need to increase your daily protein intake, plus, tips for finding good protein sources.

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Kona-Inspired JAVI

MUD bag, smoothie, and banana on table, text "Kona-Inspired Mud Smoothie Recipe"

Didn't make it to Kona this year, but still want to partake in some Kona-week fun? We have the perfect recipe to help you get in that big island state-of-mind! This recipe has been around the INFINIT office for years, and is a favorite this time of year. Developed by one of our original staff dietitians, this high protein and nutrition-packed shake is the perfect way to treat yourself post-workout or or satisfy your sweet tooth.

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What the MUD

Bag of INFINIT Mud on a table, text "What the Mud? How to use mud in your training regimen"

Whether it’s hitting the highest weights, running/riding/swimming the fastest splits, or burning the most calories, getting the right nutrients pre-workout is essential to perform and feel ready to work hard. With a variety of carbohydrates, protein, and caffeine, MUD is an easy and great product to fuel up before a workout.

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INFINIT Recovery Slushies

Ingredients on table, text "Recovery slushies, create by Briana Clark"

Nothing better than a bottle full of ice cold frozen deliciousness to both cool down the body and jumpstart the recovery process. Here are some of our favorite recipes.

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Notes for the Off Season

Indoor Yoga Text "Notes for the Off Season"

First of all, I hope that 2014 was a successful year for you – whether it was doing races or just staying fit!  What follows is an emphasis on not wasting the experiences you’ve had (and hopefully learned from) and I’ll offer some suggestions on what you can do to get ready for 2013 

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“Metabolic Efficiency”: Friend or Foe to Performance?

Woman Running with text saying "Metabolic Efficiency: Friend or Foe"

The newest fad being touted as the “secret to success” for endurance training is to train and eat to become “metabolically efficient”.  What exactly does this mean? The term efficiency combined with metabolism sounds like an athlete’s dream, especially to an endurance athlete.  After all, efficiency means to “save energy without waste or unnecessary effort.”  Well, this surely must be the key to success for endurance performance; go as long as possible and waste as little energy as possible.  Unfortunately, this new fad is just that, a FAD! “Metabolic efficiency” training or fueling to enhance performance will come at a cost, a big cost which happens to be your performance.

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