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Tagged with 'Custom Nutrition'

How to Calculate Calories Burned During Running

Woman Running, text "How to Calculate Calories Burned During Running"

New Year’s resolutions have been set and many are embarking on their first marathon training program as a result! In order to maximize performance, it is essential to fuel yourself properly during training runs and racing, especially when runs are prolonged (>90 minutes). As a nutritionist, I have found that many runners tend to overestimate actual run energy expenditure, causing them to overeat during the day and gain unwanted weight during the season. Furthermore, an overzealous calorie intake during training can trigger a multitude of stomach issues (e.g., nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, side stitches, sloshing) and ultimately diminish run performance. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to calculate your calories burned during runs as well as your target calorie replacement needs after about 90 minutes of running. Happy running trails!

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Nutrition Library: Special Concerns for Vegetarian Athletes

Vegetables on Table, text "Nutrition Library: Special Concerns for Vegetarian Athletes"

What is your main motivation for restricting intake of animal foods? Is it for ethical or religious reasons? Are you concerned about your health? Are you looking to boost performance? While vegetarian diets have a multitude of benefits, many athletes within the endurance sports arena are simply using plant-based diets as means to control food intake and consequent weight. Unfortunately, severe food restriction will create a major barrier to peak performance and optimal health. Find out why.

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INFINIT 101: Carbohydrate Blend

Carb-Heavy food on a table, text "INFINIT 101: Carbohydrate Blend"

Infinit's carbohydrate blend is a combination of sucrose, dextrose and maltodextrin. Dextrose and sucrose are slightly faster burning molecules and are broken down more quickly by the body for optimal absorption. The short distance end of the slider has a higher percentage of faster burning dextrose for quick energy. Maltodextrin is slower burning, and therefore is more conducive for long distance endurance events. The long distance end of the slider uses primarily maltodextrin for its endurance qualities. Adjusting the slider will change the percentage of dextrose to maltodextrin.

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Nutrition Library: Calculating Calories for the Bike

Athlete on Bike on a cold day, text "Calculating Calories for the Bike"

New Years resolutions have been set and many are embarking on their first century training program as a result! In order to maximize performance, it is essential to fuel yourself properly during training rides and racing, especially when you are riding longer than 2 hours. As a nutritionist, I have found that many cyclists tend to overestimate actually cycling energy expenditure, causing them to overeat during the day and gain unwanted weight during season. Furthermore, an overzealous calorie intake during training can trigger a multitude of stomach issues (e.g., nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, side stitches, sloshing) and ultimately diminish performance. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you determine your total calorie burn during training rides as well as your target calorie replacement needs after about 90-120 minutes of cycling. Happy riding trails!

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Maintaining Peak Endurance Performance After 40

Older people running through the woods, text "Maintaining Peak Endurance Performance After 40"

Much of the research on aging and endurance performance suggests that there are physiological and nutritional changes that start occurring between the ages of 35 and 40 years that may limit endurance performance. Several master athletes complain of weight gain, slowed recovery time, nagging injuries, and diminished performance. Yet, many master athletes continue to conquer the running scene, beating their younger counterparts. Look at 42 year-old Yekaterina Podkopayeva, a female Russian distance runner who ran 1500 meters in less than 4 minutes. Or marathoner Jack Foster who conquered 26.2 miles in 2:19 at the age of 41. As simple as it may sound, peak performance for all ages relies on 2 factors: smart training and proper nutrition.

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Nutrition Library: Carb News You Can Use

Pasta, bread and grains on table, text "Carb news you can use"

Most endurance athletes practice some form of carbo-loading on a daily basis as means to prevent glycogen depletion, aka “the wall” or “bonking”, during longer training bouts. Perhaps it is that pasta dinner the night prior to a big workout or a pancake breakfast after a long training run. However, a more regimented form of carbohydrate loading will help “supersaturate” our muscle cells with glycogen to levels 50-100% greater than baseline, thereby delaying or even eliminating that performance-declining “wall” during events that entail a moderate-to-high intensity for longer than 90 minutes.

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The Sweat Rate Formula | How to Calculate Your Sweat Rate

Man Wiping Sweat from Head, text "Hot to Calculate your Sweat Rate"

Every athlete should know how to calculate their sweat rate in order to have a hydration target. The goal is to see exactly how much dehydration you incur during your workout and in turn, determine your hourly fluid replacement (how much you need to drink). When you are done with this sweat rate formula, you will have a hydration target that you can use in both training and racing.

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What is the REAL $$$ cost of a 100 mile ride?

Man drinking on bike, text "What is the Real cost of a 100 mile ride"

I spend a great deal of my time talking to customers. I like staying in touch with what is going on in the sports we support, and also getting feedback from people. Occasionally I get the comment “INFINIT is kinda on the expensive side, but well worth it!” That got me thinking (a dangerous thing), how does INFINIT compare on a cost basis when looking at other companies?


Let’s break it down in a simple way, a 100 mile ride that takes 6 hours:


Method #1: “The old-school pocket full of stuff method”


  • 6 bottles of a sports drink @ $1.50 = $8.00. A total of 900 calories, 800mg sodium and no protein
  • 4 gels @ $1.25 = $5.00. A total of 400 calories, 500mg of sodium and no protein
  • 1 bar @ $1.25. 250 calories, 240mg of sodium and 9g or protein.



  • $14.25
  • 1550 calories
  • 1540 mg of sodium
  • 9g of protein


While this “system” can certainly work, it is very difficult to keep you gut consistent throughout the day. Many times age-groupers will do too much and your gut will shut down. Other times they may not do enough and have the dreaded bonk. Then there is that “trying to get down an energy bar in 90 degree heat after 4+ hours in the saddle”. There’s nothing quite like the enjoyment of chewing on the same bite for 20 minutes, and we’ve all been there.

In any case, not only will you have to keep track of all of these various components, but alsoYOU MUST CARRY WATER to wash all of this stuff down. Remember, if you drink your sports drink on top of a gel or a bar, you are going to end up with a thick sludge of goo in your gut that will NOT process. Your body then has to go into digestive mode, pull water out from where it should be used (to keep your body cool and muscles working properly) to dilute the sludge in order to get it to pass. This digestive process will cause you to dehydrate and loose performance.


Method #2: 6 bottles of INFINIT’s Endurance custom blend @ $1.75 = $10.50



  • $10.50 (37% LESS than gels, drinks, salt pills and bars)
  • 1680 Calories (More calories)
  • 2,250mg of sodium (68% MORE sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium)
  • 24gms of protein (266% MORE protein)


Isotonic solutions.
Drink your stuff…ride your bike.
66% of the cost


So next time that you think that INFINIT is more expensive, remember this.

  • INFINIT delivers an all-in-one delivery system that custom-blended to taste how YOU want.
  • More calories in an Isotonic form that is guaranteed to give you zero problems.
  • Enough electrolytes to throw away that pocket full of salt pills.
  • Enough protein to keep you from getting hungry all day long.
  • All of this at a MUCH lower price than other products.


There…now I feel better. :)

Finding a Reason (aka Ramblings of a Madman)

Infinit CEO in funny hat, text "Fining a reason, ramblings of a madman"

I have been racing endurance events for a long time. Last week I was trying to remember the date of my first race, I think it was a duathlon in Columbus Ohio way back when Pyro pedals were the hot equipment. Late 80’s or early 90’s I think, I really cannot remember which. The only hard clues I have is  some finisher plaques from the Muncie Endurathon dating back to 1991. So it has been a while.

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Notes for the Off Season

Indoor Yoga Text "Notes for the Off Season"

First of all, I hope that 2014 was a successful year for you – whether it was doing races or just staying fit!  What follows is an emphasis on not wasting the experiences you’ve had (and hopefully learned from) and I’ll offer some suggestions on what you can do to get ready for 2013 

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