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Tagged with 'Add-Ons'

INFINIT Vegan Blend | Plant-Based Protein Blend

Fava beans and rice on a table, text "INFINIT Vegan Blend"

Vegan Blend Protein is available as an alternative to our standard whey protein isolate. The plant-based protein blend is a complete protein blend consisting of 50% organic brown rice protein and 50% faba (aka "fava") bean protein. The Vegan Protein blend is rich in vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium, and b-complex vitamins. Selecting the Vegan Protein Alternative for your Custom Mix will increase the osmolality of your blend slightly due to the higher nutrient content

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What Is Creatine? | Creatine Supplementation

Woman running in stadium, text "Creatine"
INFINIT offers 400mg non-GMO, vegan friendly Creatine Monohydrate per serving as an optional “Extra” for Custom Formulas. Creatine (Cr) is a commonly used athletic supplement that can enhance performance. Creatine supplementation specifically produces significant benefits in performance during short-duration, high-intensity exercise.

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