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Ryan Petry and Leadville 2017

Ryan Petry riding bike, text "Ryan Petry: Professional mountain biker"

Saturday August 12th is the return of one of the most well-known endurance mountain bike races in the world, the Leadville 100.


Started in 1994, in an effort to bring work to Leadville's mining community, the Leadville Race Series has grown in publicity and popularity substantially over the last two decades. The Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike Race race starts at 10,000 feet and climbs up to 12,000 feet of elevation, this test of human will pushes riders to their limits, and has earned the name "Race Across the Sky."

Ryan Petry on Bike

For many years now this race has featured several INFINIT athletes. This includes, INFINIT Athlete Ryan Petry, 26, who has finished in the top ten in back-to-back years. With a growing number of impressive finishes, Ryan has been creating quite a name for himself. He credits his meteoric rise to getting a personal coach and his work with INFINIT to dial in the perfect nutrition strategy.


At the beginning of his mountain biking career, Ryan knew that he didn’t have (in his words) “top notch” bike handling skills, so he figured endurance races were his best opportunity for him. He entered the Mohican 100, and from that point forward, Petry was hooked. 


Ryan Petry holding Bike at finish line

Although Ryan is one of the top endurance mountain bikers in the nation, he still makes sure not to take himself too seriously. When Ryan isn’t out running the trails, he frequently loads his bike up with a few bottles of his INFINIT bike blend and heads out into the mountains with really no schedule at all.  With 2 concentrated bottles of his endurance blend and an extra serving in his pocket Ryan will go out and ride for hours until he decides it’s time to call it a day. 


Since switching to INFINIT, Petry hasn't bonked, hasn’t had cramping issues, and has been feeling fully on top of his game throughout his races.  He has also found that his recovery time between workouts has significantly decreased, and he feels fresher and ready for the next training ride when he fuels and recovers with INFINIT.  

Ryan Petry on Tricycle

Using his blend alone Ryan is frequently able to finish a long workout with plenty of energy to do the other things he enjoys, like working on his car.  Ryan uses protein & recovery products from INFINIT like MUD and REPAIR to help replenish and repair his muscles h in between grueling days of training, and leading up to a tough competition like Leadville.


 “INFINIT is an awesome product that I recommend to any rider, or runner for that matter, that is struggling with nutrition during races. That is something I would not say if I didn’t truly believe it, but I know this is the best option on the market when it comes to nutrition.”

Ryan Petry riding bike

As the 23rd edition of the Leadville 100 quickly approaches, Ryan will be completing the race for the first time on INFINIT alone.  Having already taken two top tens and finishing just outside (11th) in 2015, ryan hopes to move a bit further up in the pack and bring home an impressive result.


Watch: Ryan's Ride from Boulder to Telluride 
