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Laura Hering

INFINIT Goes Green

Grass in a field, text "INFINIT has pledged to offset the climate impact of the delivery of every package shipped Through carbon initiatives  including UPS carbon neutral shipping"

The INFINIT Team is dedicated to minimizing our impact on our planet. We strive to reduce waste, conserve resources, and minimize our emissions through common sense practices that we implement throughout every part of our company. We work to source domestically produced, sustainable ingredients to create natural and clean products the way nature intended. And we design our products to produce as little waste as possible to prevent litter on our roads and trails.

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What Is Creatine? | Creatine Supplementation

Woman running in stadium, text "Creatine"
INFINIT offers 400mg non-GMO, vegan friendly Creatine Monohydrate per serving as an optional “Extra” for Custom Formulas. Creatine (Cr) is a commonly used athletic supplement that can enhance performance. Creatine supplementation specifically produces significant benefits in performance during short-duration, high-intensity exercise.

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What is Beta Alanine

Lower body of a group of runners running on a paved path through graph

Beta-alanine is a hot topic in nutrition for exercise performance. Beta-alanine acts as a “muscle buffering agent” within the cells of muscle tissue. It is a naturally occurring amino acid that many athletes take in order to increase their muscles ability to delay fatigue and recover quicker from exercise. But how does it work?

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Maverick Multisport's Laurel Wassner Takes on Kona 2016

Laurel Wassner riding on bike, text "Laurel Wassner, INFINIT" background pink flowers

It's hard for me to believe that in just two days I leave for Hawaii to compete in my 2nd Ironman World Championships. For those of you who do not know me, I have been competing as a pro since 2008. I raced primarily Olympic and Sprint triathlons until doing my first Iron distance race, Challenge Atlantic City in 2014. I ran a 3:08 marathon and won! Since, then I have recorded 5 top-10 Ironman finishes.

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INFINIT Fueled D3 Multisport to Have Huge Kona Presence

D3 Multisport logo, text "Desire Determination Diiscipline"
The Super Bowl event for triathlon is on it’s 10 day countdown to Saturday, October 8, 2016 in Kona,Hawaii. The Ironman World Championships are here and for those who compete in triathlon, it’s our special day. The pro field is stronger than ever, but the real stories are within the age group athletes and the industry related companies who help them. These athletes have demonstrated desire, determination and discipline to qualify for this epic event.

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Vuelta a España

Image of frankie andreu and bike race, text "Frankie Andreu, la vuella espana"

We're wrapping up our series with Frankie Andreu, with a final insider view of one of the biggest races in the world - la Vuelta a España. The Vuelta is unlike any other race; for many riders, it's their last shot to prove themselves. Dive inside the peloton with Frankie, and into the mind of the racers who are going hard for the final Grand Tour race of the season.

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The Next Generation of INFINIT Athletes

Maddy frank getting supported by coaches, text "Back to School edition"

As the summer comes to an end and the school year begins, some INFINIT athletes are faced with the task of balancing a full school schedule and a packed racing calendar. With training schedules, class, and homework a lot of kids can get overwhelmed but these INFINIT athletes have it down to a science. Maddy Frank, Lucy Westlake, and the Prochain Cycling team all put being students before athletes but still continue to succeed at the highest level of their individual sport.

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