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Strawberry Lemon Sorbet

INFINIT Hydrate on a wooden cuttitng board with a lemon and 2 complete Strawberry Lemon Sorbet's, text "INFINIT Recipes Strawberry Lemon Sorbet"

Step up your hydration game with INFINIT Strawberry Lemon Sorbet. It’s packed with all the good stuff, including whole strawberries, freshly squeezed lemon juice, and our :HYDRATE light electrolyte drink mix. It’s sweet, creamy, and hits you with a little zing.

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Banana Chocolate Chip Protein Muffins

Required Ingredients for Banana Chocolate Chip Protein Muffins behind completed muffins, text "Banana Chocolate Chip Protein Muffins"

We worked to perfect this recipe for banana bread protein muffins made with RAW pure grass fed protein. These take less than 10 minutes to prep and only 16-18 minutes to cook. They are perfect for an on-the-go breakfast, pre or post-workout, or a quick snack at work.

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Cold Weather Hydration

A picture containing text that says "How Does Cold Weather Impact Your Performance", image of mans shoes feet running through snow

While you may not be sweating as intensely when the cold weather rolls in, remaining hydrated is just as important. Drinking an adequate amount of fluid before, during and after a workout is crucial to achieving optimal performance.

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Peppermint Mocha Muffins

Peppermint Mocha Muffins Recipe

So, it is officially the holiday season! And what would the season truly be without holiday treats? There’s candies, there’s gummies, there’s pies...but what about a treat that can also serve as a pre- or post-workout snack?! The answer to that question would be: muffins. And not just any muffins...Peppermint Mocha MUD muffins. 

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Go Nuts for (Protein) Doughnuts

Protein Donuts stacked on a plate, Text "Protein Donuts Recipe"

No matter how you like them, it’s no secret that donuts aren’t exactly considered a “health food.” These yummy pastries are typically packed with simple carbs and saturated fat, so for the average person, they’re probably best enjoyed as an occasional treat. But we’re turning that notion on its head by taking everyone’s favorite morning treat, and reworking the recipe to create a protein-packed option that can actually be used as a light breakfast or post-workout fuel. These delicious cinnamon-sugar coated donuts don’t just have to be a treat. By incorporating protein into the mix, you can actually create a guilt free (or less) option for everyone!

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Cold Brew Protein Puppy Chow

Protein Puppy Chow in a glass bowl next to a single package of INFINIT cold brew, text "INFINIT Recipes"

This recipe makeover is the adult version of a favorite childhood snack. This one bowl recipe gives sweet, salty, and savory in every crunch along with a balance of protein, carbs, and fat. Plus, the addition of our COLD BREW Protein Coffee gives it 21 mg of caffeine per serving. So it's like having your breakfast and morning coffee all in one! 

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Peppermint Mocha Bark

Peppermint Mocha Bark on a black plate sitting against a white background

Here at Infinit, we love finding ways to incorporate our products in new and delicious ways. With the holidays coming up, we thought it was a great opportunity to mix up a new batch of goodies to celebrate the season. This recipe incorporates our seasonal Peppermint Mocha Custom Protein, which helps add a little bit of extra protein for Santa this year. This Peppermint Mocha Bark is the perfect no-bake treat take to your holiday cookie exchange, or just enjoy when the mood hits! 

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6 Benefits of Strength Training

Woman in a weightlifting class doing deadlifts, text "6 Benefits of Stregth Training"

Strength training is not just for building strength and bulky muscles. More and more studies are coming out showing that there are a wide range of benefits associated with resistance and weight bearing exercise, beyond just athletic performance. While strength and weight training has traditionally had a reputation for being a male-centric type of exercise reserved for those trying to bulk up and gain mass, it is now transitioning to a popular activity and tool used for weight loss, cross training, and overall general fitness.

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Choosing the Best Protein Powder for You

Various source of protein on a table surround a chalk board that reads "Choosing the best protein powder for you"

No matter how much (or little) you know about nutrition, everyone knows protein is an important part of performance, recovery, and overall health! It is recommended that average adults get a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day (or 0.36 grams per pound of body weight).1 This works out to be about 45 grams for a 125 pound adult and up to 73 grams for a 200 pound adult

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